As you know I am new to the sewing blog world, and I keep on discovering all of these fun challenges to participate in. It is a lot of fun (and a lot of work) and through these challenges I find more and more amazingly talented seamstresses out there. Seriously, the projects all of these sewing blog ladies come up with are outstanding!
Anyway, as you know I participated in the Fab Folds Sewing Challenge at Richochet and Away! last month, and this month you can vote for your favorite project, so go check out the amazing projects!
In addition, there is a sewing competition going on at Project run & play where designers compete to create the best outfit based on a theme. Other bloggers (and non blogging sewers) can participate in the sew along every week, and create outfits according to that week's theme. I participated last week (boy's week) with my "Lego Man Shirt". This week is holiday wear, and I have a fun outfit ready to enter. I just need to write up my tutorial.
Last but not least, Elsie Marley is having a Kids Clothes Week Challenge starting Monday. The challenge is to sew kids clothing one hour a day, each day for 7 days. I am going to give it a try, in fact, I kind of already started, because I cut out some fabric with the idea I would start sewing on Monday, but I couldn't wait so I started sewing...But no worries, I have so many ideas, and not enough time, I won't run out of projects before next week...

Mira, you did a beautiful job in creating the tunic with leggings, is really beautiful!!!!I love it!!!